Site icon Something Worth Fighting For: Life Goes On

Withdrawing….but fighting against it.

It’s been a weird week. Not in a bad way, and I’ve been having a lot of “good” days. I have a huge update post that I’ve already half written, but I also want to write something right now that isn’t just “an update”.

In extremely uncharacteristic fashion for me, I haven’t written in a good few days. I don’t know why exactly…it’s just been hard. I’m feeling very withdrawn, and I’ve absolutely withdrawn from most every aspect of my life. People, writing, thinking….I’m just so very completely shut off.

I’m struggling with words, I’m struggling with people, to be very honest, and I just don’t know how to talk to anyone.

It’s not that I don’t want to. I do. I desperately do. My words have been fighting and fighting for a way out…but they just seem to lose their voice somewhere along the way.

I’ve been doing a lot of traveling these past few weeks, and I’m still with my best friend visiting her. I haven’t been home (aside from one quick night in between travels) in nearly 2 weeks, and it’s just been a lot.

I love the break from “real life”…but to be very honest…it still feels very much like “real life”…but in a very different way. I still have the baby with me, I still have my emotions, I’m still going through regular day to day life…

I don’t know. I’m just really struggling with my words lately.

I’m struggling with a lot of things, and I just don’t know how to get the fuck out of my head.

I’m okay tonight. This week. Last week.

But next week? When all is said and done, real life officially begins once again, my travel is all done and I have nothing left to look forward to? Yeah. I won’t be okay.

I’m withdrawing, and I’m withdrawn. I feel super alone in my head, and shit is absolutely about to hit the fan once I get home in a few days.

I’m here, I’m writing, and I’m possibly beginning to process.

There is so much that has gone unsaid over the past few weeks…so many emotions…so many feelings, and so many experiences. I’m honestly just struggling so hard to allow myself the time and space to process.

Processing means emotions. And I do not feel safe with my emotions right now.

But I’m here.

I have to keep sharing. I have to keep talking.

Because I absolutely promise you…the silence will kill me.

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