About Me

Hey there, welcome to my blog! I’ve always jokingly said about my life that “if you can think of it, I’ve been through it!” This blog explains my past, how I’ve gotten to this point in my life, and the journey still to come. I’ve lived a life of serious trauma and pain, but always looking for the hope and the growth that comes from it. Myself and my 3 boys (6, 4, and a baby born in October 2022) suffer from a rare genetic disorder that is essentially a type of Muscular Dystrophy. Our life is chaos, our future is unknown (isn’t everyones?!) and I’m trying to find myself along the way. I’m here to tell my story, past and present, to offer hope and inspiration to others, and to find my strength and my voice along the way.

I’m 28, a wife, and a mom of 3 boys who all have Muscular Dystrophy. I am also a birth mom to the most beautiful 8 year old boy on the planet.

I struggle a lot with feelings of grief, both past and potential future grief. This blog is messy, real, and hopefully beautiful at times. Much like real life. Life has a lot of pain, but it also has a lot of beauty and hope. To top it all off, I’m trying my best to become sober. Somewhere along the way, alcohol become the only way I knew how to cope. I’m working to change that now. This blog pretty much covers it all. Parenting, special needs parenting, marriage, sexual assault, addiction, recovering from past traumas, my journey in therapy (and my kids journey in their therapies!), and learning to find my voice and strength throughout it all.

So that’s me! I’m just trying to embrace the chaos, find my strength, and hope everyday that I can find the strength within myself to keep going. Life is hard, but the only choice is to try to grow from it, no matter how hard.

I hope you join me on my journey!