
Maintaining and respecting boundaries within relationships

I work very hard, sometimes I wonder if it’s too hard, at respecting other peoples boundaries in my relationships with them. This is especially true in high stakes relationships, like with my birth sons parents…but is also true to my other relationships. My marriage, my friendships, in therapy…all of them. I am really good at […]

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Staying positive, even when things are hard

I had therapy last night, despite the odds of school starting and everyone starting to get sick again. Miraculously, my son hasn’t brought anything home yet. Which is actually shocking. It went well and it felt positive and productive, which is something that I desperately needed. Despite my life being…my life, and just genuinely hard

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“Have kids”, they said. And a very Monday kind of Monday

When the very first thing out of your mouth as soon as your eyes pop open at 6am is “what’s that smell”…you just know that you’re about to have a bad day. A very bad day. Turns out, “that smell” was nail polish. A lot of it. My 2 older kids, who very unfortunately share

“Have kids”, they said. And a very Monday kind of Monday Read More »